Monday 15 October 2012

Zones of Intensity for Weightlifting.

Evening killers,

Was going after it in the gym this evening, and had a thought for a quick article.

Ive lost count of the times when ive seen athletes or gym-goers 'just lift'. Lifting without direction. No percentage perception, or rep/set scheme.

Here's a quick helper for you students of strength:
(working off a 1 rep max)
30%-50% - low intensity for speed orientated sports
50%-85% - medium intensity for force orientated sports, such as weightlifting
85%-95% - high intensity for weightlifting and other sports
95% + - maximum intensity, developes absolute strength.

Another consideration is what type of strength you are developing:
Strength Endurance (whilst this will increase endurance, it doesnt actually produce any form of strength. if fact is completely eliminates any opportunity to increase strength, due to neglecting the other three elements).

Until Next time

stay Strong

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